There are great feats you’ll need to accomplish and places your purpose wants to take you, but you’ll never achieve any of this without the divine assistance of Gods favour. You need more than academic success and giftedness to make it in life you need favour.
Favour is a divine endowment to be liked, accepted and preferred. It’s God picking you out among men and distinguishing you. It’s impossible to deny that we all need to operate under the reality of Gods favour. Favour can take you from the back to the front; it can reverse the devastation of years of mistakes and it can establish you in a new way of life.
It’s possible to be a believer and not walk in favour, since the basis of its operation is by faith and believing God wants to favour you. If there is one thought you need to ascertain, it’s knowing that God wants to give you favour. Once you’ve reinforced this in your belief system it’s easier to walk and grow in it.
Favour is part of God’s operating system and we must conform to it to experience its benefits. A violation of the favour system of God can cut you off from the reality of it. There are many scriptures and stories in the word of God that reveal how His favour works. Becoming a student of the law of favour will be worth committing to.
When the flow of favour is activated in your life it will command the most unfavourable conditions to turn and the most unlikely people to respond to you. It’s said ‘one touch of favour can replace a lifetime of labour’. Do you believe that? Do you believe this can be your portion in life?
As you get into the grit of this year, don’t forget that favour is for you and it will follow you as you yield to it. You won’t go into interviews, negotiate contracts, make applications, expand your career and attract clients alone, favour will be with you!
PRAYER: God activate favour in my life. Let me find favour in your eyes and in the eyes of men to thrust me forward in my life in Jesus name. AMEN!
Scripture: Psalm 90:17; Luke 2:52; Psalm 5:12; Noah 6:8-9